Step 1: Story, Miscellaneous Trophies, Spend $50,000 at the Garage It doesn’t matter in what order you play them, they are all equally easy and accessible from the start. The world is split into 3 territories and each has their own quest line. There are no missable trophies! You can just play the game any way you want and enjoy. Most of those arcade trophies can still be earned solo, but require an internet connection and PS+ subscription. There you can play with- or against other players. Far Cry 5 also introduces a new “Arcade” mode, which is an Online-Only mode. Most side quests can be skipped and you only need one collectible of every type, not all of them.
You need very little game completion overall.
Welcome to the Far Cry 5 Trophy Guide! This is a super easy and fun platinum, a perfect game for every trophy hunter! The trophies consist of some story, two side quest-lines, and some fun miscellaneous tasks.